Event: WAA July 30 Stop in Kansas 08:00 PM ET, 07:00 PM CT, 06:00 PM MT, 05:00 PM PT

The Flint Hills Writing Project in Kansas is hosting our final summer Write Across America stop and invites us to enjoy the Kansas experience and a salute to the real, the rowdy, the wide-eyed wanderers, the dreamers, and the stars. If you want to sneak a peek at the map to inspire your writing: https://uploads.knightlab.com/storymapjs/4ebf5f1732088336efdd3bca09cb876f/nwp-write-across-america-fhwp-ks/index.html

Zoom link should work for all July stops (remember to sign into Zoom first): https://nwp-org.zoom.us/j/96651865112?pwd=IaDpSe7T5gT3YSYVfSnW5Y6ffWvLVw.1#success

We will take August off but mark Sept. 10 on your calendars for our next WAA Stop in Iowa!