CFP: Free Online Symposium from the Online Writing Instruction Community

Upcoming OWI Symposium…please share!

The late Bill Hart-Davidson was one of the biggest cheerleaders for The Online Writing Instruction Community and its founders (Jessie Borgman and Casey McArdle). We know how Bill Hart-Davidson was also a cheerleader for so many others in the Writing Studies field. So, in honor of the late Bill Hart-Davidson, The Online Writing Instruction Community will be hosting another free fully online symposium.

The theme of the symposium will be an inspiring phrase often spoken by Bill: “Give. When in doubt, give more.”

We invite scholars of all ranks/positions to submit a proposal to present at the upcoming symposium. Whether or not you knew Bill Hart-Davidson, we encourage you to think about the ways you can give presence and knowledge through your participation in this symposium.

To be considered as a possible presenter for this upcoming symposium, please fill out the following Google form. We are planning on holding the symposium on Zoom sometime in late October (proposed dates in form).

Link to Google Form:

  • Proposals will be accepted until Wednesday September 11th

If you are unfamiliar with our online symposiums or the format, please check out our past symposiums here:

The full call is attached. If you have any questions, please email us: theowicommunity

Cheers, Jessie Borgman
Casey McArdle

Symposium Call.pdf