Event: Promote YOUR program at the CPTSC Conference! (Deadline Aug 4)


The Council for Programs in Technical & Scientific Communication (CPTSC) will hold its annual conference September 22-23, 2023, in Charleston, South Carolina, at The Medical University of South Carolina.

Please consider promoting your program as well as supporting CPTSC by becoming a sponsor of the conference. You may purchase a half- or full-page advertisement in the conference program, or you could promote your program with signage at one of the coffee breaks at the conference.

This is an excellent opportunity to directly advertise your program to influential members from a wide range of institutions across the country. CPTSC’s membership consists of administrators, educators, and researchers who make programmatic and curricular decisions, and who advise students at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Recently, we have welcomed graduate students to our membership.

Costs for sponsorship opportunities are the following:

Sponsorship Type Sponsors Rates
Half-page ad in conference program

(B/W; size: 5.5" X 8"; provide artwork in JPEG format*; deadline for text and artwork 8/1/2022)

Schools, Depts., Academic Programs $100
Professional Associations $150
Publishers, journals, vendors $200
Full-page ad in conference program

(B/W; size: 8.5" X 11"; provide artwork in JPEG format*; deadline for text and artwork 8/1/2022)

Schools, Depts., Academic Programs $200
Professional Associations $300
Publishers, journals, vendors $400
Coffee Break (Includes sponsorship signage on the table and sponsorship recognition in the program) $250

Simply reply to this email and let me know which sponsorship type you want to provide. I will prepare an invoice and email it to you, and you will work directly with the CPTSC treasurer (Jenn Mallette) to provide payment. Payments need to be received in the form of a check payable to CPTSC.

*To have your advertisement included, you will need to send me a 300 DPI minimum JPEG (preferred), GIF, or ESP file by Friday, August 4 as an email attachment. Full-page ads will run 8.5 x 11 inches vertical, and half-page ads will run 5.5 x 8 inches landscape.

For more details about the conference, please visit the conference website CPTSC Annual Conference.

Thank you for your consideration,


CPTSC, Sponsorship Chair

Rhonda Stanton, PhD

Director of Graduate Studies in English

Coordinator of Technical/Professional Writing

Associate Professor

English Department, Siceluff 209

Missouri State University