New: TOC for the October 2024 JBTC

Dear colleagues,

Here’s the TOC for JBTC’s latest issue. Best, Jo

Journal of Business and Technical Communication- Volume: 38, Number: 4 (October 2024)
Submit Your Manuscript to Journal of Business and Technical Communication! Visit for more details.

Which Communication Skills Do I Need? A Multimethod Study of Communication Needs in Construction Engineering

Tina A. Coffelt, Katherine Madson, Neha Raju, and Jennifer S. Shane

Envisioning User Agency During Development of a Website for Natural Hazard Communication

Sonia H. Stephens and Amanda Altamirano

The Construction of Interpersonal Meanings in Jiaqi Li’s E-Commerce Live Streams: Integrating Verbal and Visual Semiotics

Huiyu Zhang and Yining Hou

Book Review

Book Review: Keywords in Technical and Professional Communication by Yu, Han, & Buehl, Jonathan (Eds.)

Sydney C. Zimmerman

For Journal of Business and Technical Communication’s full back issue catalog, please visit

Jo Mackiewicz (“mack-uh-which” or “mack-uh-wits”)

Associate Chair for Faculty Development, English Department

Professor, Rhetoric and Professional Communication

Editor, Journal of Business and Technical Communication

Iowa State University, 413 Ross Hall, Ames, IA 50011-1201


Latest book: Welding Technical Communication: Teaching and Learning Embodied Knowledge