CFP: RLCPE’s Andamiajes in collaboration with SKRIB


Andamiajes, 5.2 / SKRIB 2.1

In the Latin American region, thirty years have already passed since the foundation of the UNESCO Chair for the Improvement of the Quality and Equity of Education in Latin America based on Reading and Writing, and more than two decades since the first writing center was created and the first research papers on writing studies were published. In addition, in 2024, the Latin American Network of Writing Centers and Programs (RLCPE) celebrates 10 years of building connections for joint practice among Latin American colleagues. In this decade, the practice we have shared has shown signs of growth, transformation, reconstruction and continuous innovation in the hands of writing specialists who develop academic literacies in a wide diversity of educational realities.

The tenth anniversary of the RLCPE is an occasion to celebrate this diversity and a spirit of collaboration that transcends material and symbolic borders. In this sense, issue 5.2 of Andamiajes: Boletín de la Red Latinoamericana de Centros y Programas de Escritura has been developed with the support of the editorial team of SKRIB: Critical Studies in Writing Programs and Pedagogy. With this collaboration, we strengthen the steps towards transforming Andamiajes into an academic journal of international scope.

Every anniversary invites a reflection on the road already traveled and the road ahead. For this reason, the fifth volume of Andamiajes calls to share experiences, research, best practices and diverse works related to the evolution of writing centers and programs. Follow this link to the full call for papers in Spanish, Portuguese, and English.