Please consider sending a proposal for a special issue of TCQ I am editing with Pam Brewer and Bremen Vance: Teaching with AI in Technical Communication: Research on Pedagogy and Emerging Technologies.
Intro: "The editors of this special issue invite technical and professional communication (TPC) scholars, teachers, and practitioners to consider the impact artificial intelligence (AI) is having on technical communication pedagogy. As scholarship on AI emerges in our field, it is clear that its impact will be far-reaching. These impacts will include the ways we teach and practice technical communication. For example, AI will impact how we produce technical content, such as instructions, reports, user guides, and multimedia (Johnson-Eilola, Selber, & York, 2024). It will also impact the speed at which we produce this content (Carradini, 2024) as well as the way we view writing, specifically whether it was created by a human or nonhuman actor (Gallagher & Wagner, 2024). More than likely, the very role of technical communicator is being challenged in substantive ways. At a deeper level, AI will impact the way we as a field solve complex communication problems, such as how to govern online platforms (Katzenbach, 2021), how to analyze and visualize data (DeJeu, 2024), and even how we experience daily life, including such common activities as exploring our immediate environment (Duin & Pedersen, 2023). And world governments are just beginning to consider policies for how we will regulate AI’s impact on the technical systems and infrastructure that enable our societies to function (AI Act, n.d.). As it takes 10-15 years to develop an ISO standard, this means that policy may lag far behind adoption.:
Proposals are due Nov 15.
Full CFP:
Dr. Guiseppe Getto
Associate Professor of Technical Communication, Mercer University
Director, M.S. in Technical Communication Management
Poet and Author of Familiar History