Event: Online Open House for Ohio University’s Graduate Programs in Rhetoric & Composition

Dear Colleagues,

I’m pleased to announce that Ohio University’s graduate program is soliciting applications for fall 2025 admission. We offer both MA and PhD degrees in Rhetoric and Composition.

Our graduate program has just been redesigned, resulting in higher stipends and a great deal more curricular flexibility for our graduate students. We’ve eliminated our foreign language requirement and created more space for students to pursue graduate certificates and to specialize their work beyond the Rhetoric and Composition core (e.g., several students have done hybrid degrees with our creative writing program). We’ve also hired a new tenure-track faculty member in Digital Rhetorics & AI and four new NTT faculty with an exciting range of expertise.

We continue to welcome potential graduate students from a wide variety of related fields who have developed a deep interest in writing and the teaching of it. Students without a background in Rhetoric & Composition will now have the option to complete additional coursework in the field if they choose. Our program has an outstanding placement record with recent PhD graduates receiving TT jobs at Andrews University, Hiram College, and Western Illinois U. Recent MAs have gone on to doctoral programs at U of Louisville, U of Maryland, Michigan State, and Purdue.

In order to answer questions and meet prospective students, we’re holding three online open house events over the next few weeks:

Wednesday, October 16 from 8:00-9:00 PM EDT

Monday, November 4 from 9:00-10:00 AM EST

Tuesday, December 3 from 8:00-9:00 PM EST

Please email me directly at tiller for the Zoom link. We’d be happy to talk about our program, life in the vibrant college town of Athens, Ohio, and applying to graduate programs in general. Our application deadline is February 1. We do not require GRE scores and all of our students receive tuition waivers and stipends as Teaching Associates for first-year writing and other undergraduate classes.

Talinn Phillips