Event: CWPA Virtual Workshops

Hello everyone,

CWPA is pleased to start a series of workshops on various topics. The workshops are led by diverse WPAs from various institutions and at different stages of their academic career.

The first workshop, Antiracist Program Curriculum Redesign Virtual Workshop, led by Jill Gladstein (University of California, San Diego), is August 25, 2023, from 4:00PM – 5:30PM EDT. Register at https://wpacouncil.org/aws/CWPA/pt/sd/calendar/335374/_PARENT/layout_details/false. Registration is $20 for members and $40 for nonmembers.

The registration fees go toward a small honorarium for speakers.

Please share widely with everyone who is a WPA or may be interested in WPA work.


Lilian Mina, Ph.D.
President (2023-2024), Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA)

—additional details added about the first session by Traci