New: JBTC Special Issue on AI (Part 2) Guest Edited by Stephen Carradini

Dear colleagues,

Below is the TOC for the latest issue of JBTC. Best, Jo

Journal of Business and Technical Communication Volume: 39, Number: 1 (January 2025)

Special issue: Effects of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Technical Communication Pedagogy, Practice, and Research, Part 2


Some (Many) Ways to Think About Artificial Intelligence: Introduction to Special Issue on Effects of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Technical Communication Pedagogy, Practice, and Research, Part 2

Stephen Carradini


Technical Communication’s Fight Against Extractive Large Language Modeling by Applying FAIR and CARE Principles of Data

Chris A. Lindgren, Erin Yunes, and Cana Uluak Itchuaqiyaq

Stochastic Publics: The Emergence and Ethics of AI-Generated Publics in Technical Communication

Jamie Littlefield

Inhuman Rhetoric: Generative AI and Crisis Communication

Erick Piller

Rhetorics of Authenticity: Ethics, Ethos, and Artificial Intelligence

Adrianna Deptula, Paul Thompson Hunter, and Richard Johnson-Sheehan

Revisiting Four Conversations in Technical and Professional Writing Scholarship to Frame Conversations About Artificial Intelligence

Bill Hart-Davidson, Michael Ristich, Casey McArdle, and Liza Potts

Constructing Websites with Generative AI Tools: The Accessibility of Their Workflows and Products for Users With Disabilities

Zsuzsanna B. Palmer and Sushil K. Oswal

Beyond Academic Integrity: Navigating Institutional and Disciplinary Anxieties About AI-Assisted Authorship in Technical and Professional Communication

Meghan Velez and Alex Rister

Methodologies for Studying Artificial Intelligence in Technical and Professional Communication

Christine Masters-Wheeler and Jennifer Bay


Erratum to “Beyond Academic Integrity: Navigating Institutional and Disciplinary Anxieties About AI-Assisted Authorship in Technical and Professional Communication”

Jo Mackiewicz (“mack-uh-which”)

Associate Chair for Faculty Development, English Department

Professor, Rhetoric and Professional Communication

Editor, Journal of Business and Technical Communication

Iowa State University, 413 Ross Hall, Ames, IA 50011-1201


Latest book: Welding Technical Communication: Teaching and Learning Embodied Knowledge