New: The Big Rhetorical Podcast, Episode 171: Erin Green

The Big Rhetorical Podcast Episode 171

🔊: Erin Green from the University of Maryland! Erin is the 2024 TBR Podcast Emerging Scholar Award Winner!


Erin is a PhD Candidate in English (Language, Writing, and Rhetoric track) at the University of Maryland. She is a graduate of the University of Montevallo and holds a BA in English literature. Working primarily in rhetoric and composition, she specializes in literacy studies, writing program/center administration, community-engaged writing, and composition theory. Erin’s research examines Black queer community literacies and writing in prison/police abolition movements. She currently serves as an administrative fellow for the Academic Writing Program and a writing fellow for the Center for Writing & Oral Communication. She has been published in Writers: Craft & Context, Community Literacy Journal, and The Peer Review Journal.

🎙The Big Rhetorical Podcast is hosted by Dr. Charles Woods, an assistant professor in the Department of Literature and Languages at East Texas A&M University. The Big Rhetorical Podcast has been awarded the Kairos Service Award for Graduate Students, the John Lovas Award, and the Computers & Composition Michelle Kendrick Award for Outstanding Digital Production/Scholarship. Reach out to thebigrhetorical if you would like to be featured on The Big Rhetorical Podcast. Visit our website and follow us on social media @thebigrhet