Survey: Call for participants for a study of the writing practices of rhetoric and writing studies faculty writers

Dear colleagues,

I am seeking participants for a study of the writing practices of rhetoric and writing studies faculty writers. I am particularly eager to include participants from a range of different institutional backgrounds, including minority-serving institutions, two-year colleges, small liberal arts colleges, comprehensive universities, and large research-intensive institutions. I would also like to include tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty writers in this study.

Participants will agree to a preliminary interview for me to learn about the kinds of writing you do and to learn about your writing practices as well as at least two subsequent interviews over the course of a year to check in on your writing and to learn if anything has changed about your writing practices. Through this study, I hope to learn about the different kinds of writing completed by writing instructors, the kinds of challenges they face, and the kinds of support they may need.

I have received a small grant to fund a $50 Amazon gift card for 10 participants. Once you have participated in the first interview, I will mail you the gift card. Please note: Due to research funding restrictions, I cannot accept participants who are employed at my own institution.

If you would like to participate, please complete this short Google form. Since my funding is currently limited to 10 participants, I may not be able to include everyone who is interested at this stage of the project, but I will keep your information in case I receive future funding to expand the project.

This project has been approved by Appalachian State University’s IRB: HS-24-198

If you have any questions, you can email me at babbjs.


Jacob Babb

Jacob Babb(he/him/his)
Associate Professor of English
Assistant Chair of Rhetoric and Technical Writing

Co-Editor, Composition Studies

Sanford Hall 222D