New: Peitho, Volume 7, Issue 1

Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric has released Volume 7, Issue 1. Edited by Rebecca Dingo and Clancy Ratliff, the new issue includes articles by Nicole Tanquary, Melovee Easley, Elenore Long, Naya Quintana, and Xuan Jiang and book reviews by Zoe McDonald and Michael Caballero. A cluster conversation on "Talking Back Through Rhetorical Surveillance Studies: Intersectional Feminist and Queer Approaches" includes an introduction by Morgan C. Banville and Gavin P. Johnson and articles by Chen Chen, Charles Woods, Emily Gillo, Elitza Kotzeva, Chistopher J. Morris, Kelin Loe, Angela Stalcup, Shannon Shepherd, Breeanna Hicks, Amy Gaeta, Asa McMullen, Rachael Jordan, Rachael McIntosh, Abdrew Fiss, and Alexandra Sladky.

Dr. Kristen Welch, Assistant Professor of English, Spartanburg Methodist College
Associate Publisher for Marketing and Advancement, WAC Clearinghouse