Job: Full-time Lecturers at Georgia Tech

Dear colleagues,

I’m excited to share that the Writing and Communication Program at Georgia Tech is hiring multiple Full-time Lecturers. While not a writing center position, Lecturers in the Writing and Communication Program teach a 3/3 in writing classes, pursue relevant research, and provide service to the Program and Institute. This is a faculty position with full benefits that is renewable annually. Candidates are expected to demonstrate an exceptional commitment to the teaching and mentoring of students. Applications are due February 10th, 2025. More information about the position, program, and application process can be found here: Please feel free to forward this to anyone you know who may be interested.

And, as the search chair, I’m happy to answer any questions anyone might have.


Caitlin L. Kelly, PhD (she/her)
Director, Naugle Communication Center
Writing and Communication Program
School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Georgia Institute of Technology

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