Apply: Composition Studies Book Review Editor

Hello everyone!

Quick reminder about our Book Review Editor position. The deadline is coming up!

Composition Studies seeking new Book Review Editor!

Composition Studies is seeking applicants for the position of Book Review Editor to begin spring 2024 (with shadowing current book review editor to begin fall 2023).

Typically, Composition Studies publishes 4-6 book reviews (and often 1 review essay) per issue, and the Book Review Editor guides each of those contributions into and through the production process, from solicitation/submission to feedback and revision through editing and page proof review. The Book Review Editor steers the Book Reviews section of the journal and works with the co-editors of Composition Studies to craft slates of book reviews that reflect the vision of the journal and the state of research and scholarship in the field. Applicants can find more information about the journal and the genre at our website.

Previous editors include Asao Inoue, Lynee Gaillet, and Bryna Siegel Finer; the current Book Review Editor is Jason Tham, whose happy departure means he can take the position of Associate Editor at Technical Communication Quarterly (congrats, Jason!). This position provides a great opportunity for building or building on editorial experience, and early-career scholars from across the broad field of writing studies are most welcomed to apply.

The responsibilities of the Book Review Editor include but may not be limited to:

  • working with publishers to request upcoming and/or new books to review;

  • soliciting book reviews and fielding book review submissions and queries;

  • communicating with book reviewers about expectations of the genre of a book review;

  • providing feedback to review authors;

  • working with review authors to revise and edit prior to publication; and as important,

  • working with the editors of Composition Studies to plan upcoming issues.

The time commitment for the position is less than 5 hours per week, though the distribution of those hours over the course of the year is dependent upon several factors, including where production is at with the current issue, the need for reviews, the revision process of current reviews, and so on. The new Book Review Editor will be offered advice and tools for managing the book review editing process.

If you wish to apply, please email to compstudiesjournal three things:

a) a 1-page letter of application addressing interest, qualifications, and vision for the book review section of the journal,

b) a CV, and

c) an example of a book review you’ve written, if available.

The deadline for applications is August 1, 2023. Please email us if that date causes an issue for your application.


The Composition Studies Team

Kara Taczak, Ph.D.
University of Denver Writing Program
Anderson Academic Commons 380S
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I am possible! — Audrey Hepburn