New: Issue 7.1 of Prompt is now available

Dear Colleagues,

I’m writing to inform you that issue 7.2 of Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments has been published and is freely available via the journal’s website. Direct links to each article follow below.

Editor’s Note, Susanne E. Hall

Can Anyone Edit?:

Digital Capital and Student Writing on Wikipedia,

Travis DuBose

More than Memorizing Rules:

Using Wikipedia to Emphasize Rhetorical Approaches to Grammar Instruction and Collaborative Editing Practices,

Tara Propper

Inclusive Science Writing about Socioscientific Issues for Diverse Audiences, Nicole C Kelp, Alycia Pisano, Sydney Alderfer, & Nancy E Levinger

Using Creative Artifacts to Teach Scientific Communication to Psychology Students, KatieAnn Skogsberg & Beth Ann Rice

Preparing Reflective Practitioners:

The Feedback Analysis Assignment for Writing Pedagogy Education,

Kelly A. Moreland

If you want to learn more about submitting to Prompt, our author guidelines are here.

If you would like to sign up for updates or to be considered to be a reviewer for the journal, please do so here.

All the best,

Susanne Hall, Ph.D. (she, her)
Teaching Professor of Writing & Director of the Hixon Writing Center

Caltech |

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