CFP: Tracing Generative AI in the Lives of Marginalized Writers Special Issue in LiCS

Hi friends!

Alfred Owusu-Ansah and I (Antonio Byrd) are excited to share this CFP for a special issue of Literacy in Composition Studies: Tracing Generative AI in the Lives of Marginalized Writers.

We invite proposals that take up the metaphor "tracing" to explore marginalized writers’ experiences with GenAI products and their synthetic texts. We hope the special issue will feature voices of underrepresented social identities across race / ethnicity, gender, sexuality, citizenship, and disability. The special issue would then account for the intersectional impact of GenAI on marginalized literate lives.

Accepted genres are wide-ranging for multiple ways of sharing knowledge: feature-length articles, multimodal submissions, autoethnographic essays, counternarratives, and book reviews. Proposals may include investigations on asset-based literacy practices, critiques of GenAI, and accounts of resistance to engage GenAI for ethical and justice informed reasons, among other perspectives that center power and access.

We welcome 250 – 500 word proposals by April 15, 2025 at LICSgenai.

If you have any questions, please send them to LICSgenai.

Antonio and Alfred

Antonio Byrd (he/they)

Assistant Professor
Affiliate Faculty, Race, Ethnic, and Gender Studies
2024 – 2025 CAFE Fellow

Department of English
116 Cockefair Hall
5121 Rockhill Rd, Kansas City, MO 64110