Survey: Disruptive Technology and Writing Centers

Dear Writing Center Community,
I am inviting you to participate in a research opportunity and asking if you could pass this along to others who may qualify. I am conducting a study to explore writing center practitioners’ perceived ease of use and perceived usability of virtual learning environments. This research aims to explore how writing center practitioners responded to disruptive technology during the rapid, unanticipated transition to emergency remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
To be eligible to participate in this study:

  • Participants need to have worked at a United States university writing center during the COVID-19 pandemic

During the survey, you will answer less than 30 questions based on your experiences with virtual learning technologies implemented. The initial survey should take between 10 – 30 minutes of your time.
A follow-up interview will occur after data from the survey has been collected, and you can choose to voluntarily provide your name and email address if you are willing to participate in the interviews. A total of 3 – 6 interviewees will be selected from the survey responders, and a recorded 30 – 45-minute Zoom interview will be conducted to gain more in-depth information about writing center practitioners’ responses to virtual learning environments. Findings from this research assist in dissertation completion.
Participation is voluntary and you can choose to quit at any time. Your survey responses are anonymous unless you choose to provide contact information for the follow-up interview. If you choose to provide contact information, this will be kept confidential.
amber.m.cooper or 405-742-8147 for more information.
Thank you,
Amber Damicone
(Link associated:

Amber Damicone
Writing Center Director and Learning Specialist
Academic Services for Student-Athletes
Oklahoma State University
150 Athletics Center | Stillwater, OK 74078