Event: Workshop at CCCC – From Bad Ideas to Good Practices of AI and Writing in College

Hello Writing Studies Colleagues,

Are you attending CCCC in Baltimore this April? Are you interested in thoughtful, practical discussions about AI and writing instruction?

We invite you to join our interactive workshop, From Bad Ideas to Good Practices of AI and Writing in College! This session is led by three of the editors of the in-progress edited collection, Bad Ideas about AI and Writing: Toward Generative Practices for Teaching, Learning, and Communication—myself, Chris Basgier, and Shyam Sharma.

In this workshop, we’ll challenge some common misconceptions about AI and writing and explore ways to move toward more productive, generative practices. After sharing some key insights from our book, we’ll guide participants through a “choose your own adventure” approach, offering three tracks:

  • Assignment (Re)Design

  • Teaching Strategies

  • Policies/Guidelines

Through hands-on activities, you’ll walk away with tangible deliverables that you can implement after you leave—revised assignments, new teaching techniques, and updated policies.

📅 Workshop Details

📍 Session MW.4 | 🗓 Wednesday, April 9 | ⏰ 9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. (the day before the main conference begins)

You can sign up for the workshop as you register for the conference.

We’ve got some fun and engaging activities planned, and we’d love to see you there! Please let us know if you have any questions.

All best,

Mandy Olejnik (for the workshop facilitators)

Dr. Mandy Olejnik (she/her)

Assistant Director of Writing Across the Curriculum

Howe Center for Writing Excellence

Miami University

139A King Library

151 So. Campus Ave., Oxford, OH 45056



Planning Committee Member, Ohio College Teaching Consortium (OCTC)

Member, Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee (UPAC)