My name is Teri Mullins, and I am an undergraduate, soon to be a graduate student, in Technical Communication in the English Department at Sam Houston State University. I am working on a research project titled “AI – Technology’s Newest Challenge for Technical Writers” to explore how technical writers currently collaborate with AI and how they envision collaborating in the future.
As part of this research, I am conducting a survey among technical and professional writers, and I would greatly appreciate your participation. If you could take a few minutes to complete this short survey, it would be a tremendous help and a significant motivation for me as I navigate the field of Technical and Professional Communication (TPC) as my professional path.
I am conducting this survey to gain insight into the current landscape of AI collaboration among current and future professional technical writers, in order to learn more about the impact of AI on the field. The quick survey consists of thirteen quantitative questions and four short answer questions.
Participants should be either current technical writing students or professional technical writers. This survey is anonymous, and I will not request personally identifiable information. I appreciate your participation.
This project has been approved by Sam Houston State University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB protocol #: IRB-2025-169).
Thank you for your time and support!
Best regards,
Teri Mullins