I will be attending CCCC this year in Baltimore and will be happy to set up in-person meetings with prospective book authors at the conference. Following is our call for proposals. If you have a project to discuss but will not be at the meeting, we can always arrange a phone or Zoom chat. Feel free to contact me directly in either case (horning).Alice Horning, Series editor
Studies in Composition and Rhetoric
Peter Lang Publishing
Professor emerita, Writing & Rhetoric/Linguistics
Oakland University
Rochester, MI 48309
Studies in Composition and Rhetoric
Edited by Alice S. Horning
This series welcomes both individually-authored and collaboratively-authored books and monographs as well as edited collections of essays. We are especially interested in books that might be used in either advanced undergraduate or graduate courses in one or more of the following areas of history, theory or practice: In history, we welcome books that deal with the history of the field, of rhetoric, of instruction, of the major institutions of the discipline (such as NCTE or CCCC). In research and theory, books that address the nature of the research process in the field, ethical issues/IRB matters, new or improved methodologies and related topics will be of interest; theories of teaching and learning reading and writing, of issues of specific populations identified by gender, race, disability, sexual preference and so forth, or of other fields pertinent to teaching and learning writing, including especially language issues pertaining to English or translingualism and related areas may also be submitted. In practice, we seek books that deal with any aspect of teaching students including those in specific populations, classroom issues and problems, first-year and advanced composition, basic writing, professional and technical writing or workplace writing, community writing, creative writing, information literacy, critical thinking and reading, and related matters. We are also interested in books that deal with community, civic and public issues in the teaching and learning of writing and lifespan writing development or with topics related to digital literacy as well as with writing program administration, working conditions, graduate programs, independent majors, WAC/WID and other aspects of program development.
For queries or proposals, contact Alice Horning at horning.
The Peter Lang proposal form is at this link: https://www.peterlang.com/page/enquiries/submit-your-proposal