Greetings Potential Attendees of TYCAMW23!
We’re less than a month out from the Early Bird registration due date, so please click the following link and Create Account to register:
- We weren’t able to add in any drop-down menus for dietary or accessibility needs; attendees are asked on that first page to reach out to the conference chair, Sybil (sybil.priebe).
For more information:
- For more information on the conference, especially for travelers, view the CFP booklet here:
- For information on the conference, in general, check out this link:
- Six months out video/explanation of the theme:
- Most recent video of campus:
TYCAMW Diversity, Equity, & Inclusivity Statement
TYCAMW is committed to creating an environment where people of all races, ethnicities, gender identities, sexual orientations, religions, disability statuses, or any other aspect of identity unequivocally belong. Upholding and supporting diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice are key principles of our organization and vital to our disciplinary pedagogy. This is expressed and supported in our conferences, meetings, and any TYCAMW gatherings, virtual or in-person.
Following is language specific to the NDSCS conference.
We understand the challenges to safety and well-being that the LGBTQIA+ community faces living in and visiting areas in our region and across the nation. In particular, several recent laws passed in North Dakota pose a significant challenge for our LGBTQIA+ colleagues attending the 2023 TYCAMW conference in Wahpeton, ND. Despite that challenge, we are committed to upholding an environment of belonging and making the 2023 conference a safe space that uplifts the voices of LGBTQIA+ faculty.
To this end, the 2023 conference will include the following:
- A designated “All Gender” bathroom in addition to the gender-specific bathrooms at the conference site.
- A panel on the intersection of writing pedagogy, teaching, and LGBTQIA+ concerns.
- Pins and buttons showing support for inclusivity and solidarity.
- A space for attendees to share concerns and feedback during the conference.
Please join us in Wahpeton, ND for our 2023 TYCAMW conference to show solidarity, inclusivity, and support for all our colleagues. Through community we demonstrate our values in the face of challenges and obstacles.