Event: CLA & Writing Centers Salon This Afternoon

Please join us TOMORROW, August 16, from 3:00-4:00 EST for "CLA and Writing Centers: Beginning the Conversation on Practical Approaches."

This virtual gathering is the first in a series of discussions on CLA and Writing Centers!

  • As Writing Center practitioners and advocates, we know that working with students in the space of progressivism and pragmatism is no small feat, but it’s what we do. But how do Writing Center folks do it? And more specifically how do we do it with CLA pedagogy and practices?

Future conversations will focus on CLA applicability and relevance to you, so for tomorrow’s session, please consider bringing:

  • your questions about CLA like: how can CLA help us work with students in a ChatGPT world? Or, what does a rhetorical grammar discussion with a student sound like, look like, feel like?
  • topics of interest, such as CLA in Writing across the Curriculum or Writing in the Disciplines, or Asynchronous Tutoring and CLA.
  • activities, scenarios, and videos you already use to train tutors, even graphic organizers or specific strategies that tutors use in sessions would be great, too!

We will use our time together to collect questions and things you’ve done to guide future CLA and Writing Center salons.

Click the link below to join the conversation.


Be in touch if you have any questions.

Otherwise, we’ll see you tomorrow.

Susanne Treiber
Administrative Manager
Madison College Writing Center

Office: B2200 Writing Center: A2000P