Are you looking for ways to be more involved in IWCA and to invigorate your writing center work? Consider chairing an IWCA event!
We are now accepting applications for two event chair positions:
Chair or co-chair the IWCA Collaborative in 2024 or 2025. Collaborative chairs work closely with the IWCA Vice President and Board to coordinate all program aspects of the annual one-day event. The Collaborative chairs craft the theme, arrange readers for presentation proposals, and set the schedule. The IWCA Executive Committee is responsible for logistics, like event location, registration, food/beverage, and AV. The 2024 Collaborative will be on Wednesday, April 3, 2024 in Spokane, WA, and the 2025 Collaborative will be determined by the CCCC location and calendar for 2025.
Chair or co-chair the IWCA Summer Institute 2024 or 2025. Summer Institute chairs coordinate logistics and programming for the SI, including making arrangements with the lodging/meeting space, arranging local excursions, working with the other SI leaders, and planning the curriculum. The Summer Institute usually takes place in June or July, depending on the chairs’ preferences and availability.
If you are interested in one of these positions, please write a brief letter (no more than 2 pages) detailing your tentative plans for the event, any relevant experience you and your team would bring to the event planning, and any institutional support that might be available for you as you take on one of these roles. To the extent possible, include details about the proposed location and estimated costs attendees would be expected to pay for the event. Submit your letter to IWCA Vice President Christopher Ervin (chris.ervin) by Monday, October 1, 2023. Appointments will be decided by the IWCA Executive Board and Conferences and Institute Committee.
Christopher Ervin
Vice President, International Writing Centers Association
Dr. Christopher Ervin (he/him/his)
Vice President | International Writing Centers Association
Assistant Director | Oregon State University Writing Center
The Valley Library, 2750B