Dear Colleagues,
We have had a busy year at The Peer Review. Professional Editor, Nikki Caswell, completed her term last winter and Genie Giaimo came into the role. We also welcomed Joseph Cheatle as Managing Editor. Rabail Qayyum, Andrew Yim, and Wenqi Cui will continue as graduate editors. Randall Monty is finishing up his long term as web editor and J. M. Paiz has taken over that role. And we have said goodbye to Nick Sanders who has completed graduate school and taken on a new position (congrats, Nick!)
While there has been a lot of change, we continue to produce top-notch scholarship and inquiry through our peer reviewed pieces and Conversation Shapers. We are a mentorship focused journal that works with authors to bring their pieces to publication. This year, we published a winter special issue, a spring issue, and we are on target for a fall issue. Next spring, guest editors Keli Tucker and Emily Bouza—along with Wenqi Cui’s mentorship and support—will publish a special issue on linguistic justice. And, we have a fall 2024 issue in the pipeline!
Additionally, we have worked this year to make our support materials for both reviewers and authors clearer and more accessible. To that end, we have created a guide for reviewers and a guide for authors on revision and incorporating feedback. Both of these guides have accompanying audio for accessibility purposes.
Of course, we cannot do this great mentorship-focused work without you! Please consider reviewing submissions for our journal in the upcoming academic year. We also have several books that are available for review. If you or someone you know has an interest in writing a book review, please also indicate this in the reviewer survey and include name and contact information so we can share desk copies and other resources. And, we are continuing to accept submissions for our Conversation Shapers.
Please complete this short reviewer survey to let us know how many articles you are able to review over the next 12 months:
We wish you all a great start to the academic term and hope you will take care of yourselves as you support others.
The Peer Review Editorial Team