Apply: Call for Associate Editors: Prompt

Call for Applications: Associate Editors

Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments

Associate Editors of Prompt attend our annual editorial board meeting via Zoom, publicize the journal to members of their fields, and assist in the editorial process for submissions in their area(s) of relevant disciplinary expertise.

The two central tasks of the Associate Editors are (1) providing initial feedback and suggesting potential reviewers for new submissions to the journal; and (2) helping copy edit and proofread accepted manuscripts. Based on past submission and acceptance rates, we believe that Associate Editors in most disciplines can expect to be involved with 5 or fewer submissions per year. Though Associate Editors are not directly involved with the revision process, their contributions will shape the overall quality and focus of the journal’s published work.

If you’re unfamiliar with the journal, Prompt is a scholar-run, open-access, peer-reviewed online journal. It publishes academic writing assignments aimed at both undergraduate and graduate students from all academic disciplines. Its articles bring together theory and praxis in ways that should help promote better teaching of writing as well as illuminate the complexities of teaching writing in context. To learn more about the journal and read recently published articles, please visit our website:

Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments
A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments

We are currently seeking expertise in all areas, but have particular needs in the following:

  • Writing Studies

  • Engineering/STEM

  • Literary Studies

  • Criminal Justice/Law

  • Social and Behavioral Sciences

  • Education, particularly English Education

  • Digital Literacy/Multimodal Writing/Digital Humanities

To be considered for a three-year term as Associate Editor, please send your vitae and a brief (1-2 page) letter of interest explaining your credentials to thepromptjournal. Our call will remain open until our needs are filled, but preference will be given to applications received by Monday, October 2, 2023.

Kelly Kinney, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of English, University of Wyoming

Co-editor, Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments