Volunteer: CWPA 2023 – 2024 Committees

Dear Colleagues,

CWPA’s call for involvement in committee work is now open. This year, we are seeking members for eight committees. Serving on CWPA committees is open for everyone. Only committee chairs must be CWPA members.

To learn more about the rationale behind selecting those eight committees, please see the September newsletter on our website.

If interested in serving on any of the eight committees, please complete the Expression of Interest Form by Monday October 2

Form Link: https://forms.gle/m4zrgs4Nb7MhdyJt9
Committee 2023 – 2024 charges
Committee Chairs Responsibilities and Perks

Should you have any questions, please send them my way. I appreciate the time and labor everyone will put on our committees.


Lilian Mina, Ph.D.
President (2023-2024), Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA)