Nominate: CarolinasWPA Exec Board Positions


We hope your semester is falling into an easy rhythm. Carolinas WPA currently has two vacancies on the board we need to fill, and we’re holding calls for nominations now through Friday, October 6th. Jessica Pisano and Patrick Bahls have both worked tireless in their respective roles as Treasurer and Web Manager. They’ve relocated to Georgia, and while we miss them terribly, we are so thankful for their service to this organization.

Descriptions for both the Treasurer and Web & List Manager can found on our website ( bowerss or Kevin Brock (brockkm2). Both of these positions are appointed by vote of the Executive Board for a term of four years. These positions come with membership on the Executive Board as well. The board typically meets twice a year, at our fall conference at Wildacres and again in the February or March Meeting in the Middle conference held in Charlotte each year. On occasion, we may need to meet virtually at other points in the year, but those instances are rare.

Following the close of the nomination period on October 6, the board will vote by October 20th to add these individuals to the board. The term would end December 31, 2027, but is renewable.

We hope you consider joining us on the board!

In gratitude,


Shawn Bowers (she/her/ella)

Assistant Professor, English Department

Program Director, First-Year Writing

President, Carolinas Writing Program Administrators | 1900 Selwyn Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28274


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