Participate: IWCA Video Request

Hi, everyone,

We are writing because we need you!
The IWCA Conference is just a few short weeks away, and Mairin and I are busy working on our Chair’s Welcome. We’d like to feature YOU and your center. If you want to be featured in our welcome, send a 20-second video clip (you can make it on your phone! No need to be fancy for us) to iwcaconferencechair by October 5th at midnight EST.

In the video, please do the following:

1. State your name(s)
2. Tell us where you’re located (center name, school, city/state/country) Feel free to show us in your video!
3. Answer one of the following two questions:

  • What did you think when you first saw the call for this year’s conference theme "Embracing the Multiverse?"
  • How has your writing center embraced multidisciplinarity, multilingualism, or multimodality, etc.? If you wish your center could do more with these ideas, you can tell us what barriers are impacting your ability to do so. (Feel free to show us in your video!)


  • Register for the conference by October 1st before the rates increase!
  • Get a hotel room.The Baltimore Orioles have made the baseball playoffs with potential games happening during the conference, so you’ll want to book ASAP if you haven’t already!

The conference schedule will be available by October 1st. Looking forward to seeing you in Baltimore!

Holly and Mairin

Holly Ryan, PhD (she/her/hers)

Associate Professor of English
Writing Center Coordinator
Composition Program Chair
Penn State University, Berks