Event: TYCA Midwest: Time to Register!
Greetings, person who cares about first-year writing instruction! TYCA Midwest is coming up soon— October 17-19 in Livonia, MI. If you are on the Continue reading Event: TYCA Midwest: Time to Register!
Greetings, person who cares about first-year writing instruction! TYCA Midwest is coming up soon— October 17-19 in Livonia, MI. If you are on the Continue reading Event: TYCA Midwest: Time to Register!
You are invited to a writing marathon! Your students are also welcome. Register here: https://forms.gle/NBVcGX6yrbZCpNPu7 Imagine a moveable feast of writing–writers check in at Continue reading Event: Marquette Writing Marathon this Thursday!
CPTSC Conference Attendees: A timely reminder to book your reservation for your hotel by the end of the day on Monday, September 16. The Continue reading Event: CPTSC Conference 9/16 deadline for hotel blocks!
Hello everyone, CWPA is offering two virtual workshops in the coming weeks. The cost for non-members is $25: September 20: Critical Language Awareness (CLA) Continue reading Event: CWPA September / October Workshops
Hello all, Every semester, the Augusta University Center for Writing Excellence at Augusta University in Augusta, GA hosts a virtual WAC speaker series on Continue reading Event: 9/26 on Zoom: Accessible Assignment Design w/ Dr. Karen Moroski-Rigney
GSOLE Cyber Salon (10/1) Mark your calendar for the First Tuesday of each month at 1pm PT/ 4pm ET. This virtual meeting is open Continue reading Event: GSOLE Cyber Salon (10/1)