Survey: Staff Meetings

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

I am writing to ask for your participation in a survey on writing center professionals’ approaches to staff meetings. Please follow this link to the survey, if you’re interested in participating:

The purpose of this research is to understand writing center professionals’ (WCPs) pedagogical approaches to tutor staff meetings. I hope to learn about: how specific institutional and writing center context influence decisions about approaches to staff meetings; what activities and discussions WCPs use in the first and last staff meetings of the semester; and whether or not WCPs consider motivation to be an important aspect of staff meetings. While many scholars and administrators have shared insightful and generative specific activities, ideas, or pedagogical agendas for staff meetings, we do not have a broad overview of how different writing centers use staff meetings to support daily writing center work and tutor professional development.

I am happy to answer any questions about participation or the survey. My email is: ken43

If you are currently residing in – or are “ordinarily resident” – in any of the following countries/territories you are unfortunately NOT eligible for participation in this survey due to U.S. sanctions: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Crimea region of Ukraine, Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR), Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR), Russia, Belarus, and Venezuela. (“Ordinarily Resident” applies to you if you spend six months or more out of the year residing in any of the above locations or if you own property there.) If one or both of these apply to you, please disregard this request as we are prohibited from soliciting your input at this time.

Thank you for your consideration!


Kate Navickas

Dr. Kate Navickas | she/her/hers, pronounce name

Cornell Writing Centers Director
174 Rockefeller Hall
Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines
Cornell University