CCCC and Intellectual Freedom

Dear CCCC Members,

Today in states across the US and in nations around the world, the lives and livelihoods of scholars and teachers of critical race theory (CRT), queer theory, gender studies, and, indeed, all subjects associated with diversity, equity, and inclusion are under threat. Faculty in our field whose scholarly and pedagogical work is shaped by and contributes to theories, principles, and practices of equity, inclusion, and anti-racism are placed at risk by the imposition of “legal” restrictions on curricula, programming, hiring, and admission processes.

In particular danger of professional and legal sanction are Black, Indigenous, and Faculty of Color working in these areas. Additionally, the hard-won rights, access (including to gender-affirming healthcare), and opportunity of Queer, Trans, Two Spirit, Gender Non-binary colleagues and students are being rescinded and denied. These sanctions are impacting the ability of members of our profession, as well as our students, to exercise their academic freedom, to study, write, and teach without fear of censorship or retribution, and to labor in fair, equitable, and safer workplaces.

Alongside many of you, we are deeply concerned about these developments and their implications for our colleagues, our students, our field, and our profession. We know that many of you are already badly impacted by these restrictive and discriminatory legislative actions. We also know that many of you may be in need of information about where such laws have already been passed, where they are pending, what immediate and long-term impact on your working lives they may have, and where to find support should you be targeted.

A small subcommittee of concerned CCCC members, in collaboration with members of the CCCC Black Caucus, are working this summer to organize and disseminate information to you. In the coming months, we will distribute an infographic with resources you may find useful for learning more about passed and pending anti-trans/queer, anti-equity, and anti-CRT legislation, and for locating support should you need it.

On August 10, 2023, 4:00–5:00 p.m. ET, we will be offering a webinar, "Intellectual Freedom Concerns in Higher Education: A Conversation," featuring, among others, speakers from the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), PEN America, and the NCTE Standing Committee Against Censorship. While these speakers will not be able to advise members on individual cases, they will be able to apprise us of the state of legislation across the US and tell us about resources available to members should any of us need more formal support.

Register to attend

We will be offering another event this fall that will cover similar topics. We hope to continue a conversation about these matters in the coming year. Please watch for CCCC communications in the next few months, including the infographic and date, time, and registration information about the upcoming webinars.

With Warmest Regards,

Staci Perryman-Clark, Chair
Frankie Condon, Assistant Chair