University Press of Colorado along with The WAC Clearinghouse is proud to announce the print publication of two titles, A Working Model for Contingent Faculty by Robert Samuels, and Centros y Programas de Escritura en América Latina, edited by Estela Inés Moyano and Margarita Vidal Lizama.
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Many thanks,
Laura Walker
Laura H. Walker | Sales and Marketing Manager
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I live and work on the territories of the Lower Tanana Dené Athabascan Peoples.
A Working Model for Contingent Faculty
by Robert Samuels
Precarity & Contingency Series
Copublished with the WAC Clearinghouse
In A Working Model for Contingent Faculty, Robert Samuels offers an outline of fair and effective practices for improving the working conditions of faculty in precarious positions. Drawing on more than twenty years of union activism and university teaching, Samuels examines programs, policies, and practices that work for non-tenure-track faculty in the University of California system. His detailed analysis of facts on the ground offers a foundation upon which faculty in contingent positions can build arguments for improved working conditions. Throughout the book, Samuels focuses on the central issues of academic freedom, job security, compensation, shared governance, evaluation and promotion, benefits, and dispute resolution as well as critical but less often addressed concerns such as funding for professional development, family leave policies, technology training, and summer teaching. A Working Model, as a result, offers resources that can support progress well beyond the University of California system.
This book is also available as an open access ebook through the WAC Clearinghouse.
Paper: $9.95
Ebook: Open Access
ISBN: 978-1-64642-396-5
Pages: 78
Order now and use promo code SAMU23 to get 40% off!
(Promo code expires 09/21/2023) |
Centros y Programas de Escritura en América Latina
Opciones Teóricas y Pedigógicas para la Enseñanza de la Escritura Disciplinar
edited by Estela Inés Moyano and Margarita Vidal Lizama
International Exchanges on the Study of Writing Series
Copublished with the WAC Clearinghouse
Emerging from more than two decades of work in Latin America, this edited collection explores the implementation of reading and writing programs and centers in Central and South America. Reflecting the multiplicity of theories and gazes that underlies research and practice in teaching and learning to read and write in academic contexts, the contributors to this volume consider how these theoretical and methodological alternatives have contributed to the design and implementation of teaching and learning strategies that address the needs of students, faculty, and institutions while also working with (and around) the resources available in each institutional setting. Centros y Programas de Escritura en América Latina offers insights for those concerned with contributing to students’ education to improve their academic reading and writing, and, ultimately, to a more equitable university experience for all.
This book is also available as an open access ebook through the WAC Clearinghouse.
Paper: $33.95
Ebook: Open Access
ISBN: 978-1-64642-395-8
Pages: 282
Order now and use promo code MOYA23 to get 40% off!
(Promo code expires 09/21/2023) |
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University Press of Colorado is a cooperative publishing enterprise supported, in part, by Adams State University, Colorado State University, Fort Lewis College, Metropolitan State University of Denver, University of Alaska Fairbanks, University of Colorado, University of Denver, University of Northern Colorado, University of Wyoming, Utah State University, and Western Colorado University.