Apply: Research Seminar on Mixed Methods Writing Research in Lille, France

EARLI SIG Writing Seminar for Junior Researchers

We are excited to announce an opportunity for junior researchers to attend an EARLI SIG Writing Research Seminar in March, 2024. The purpose of the seminar is to provide an encouraging environment in which junior researchers can share and discuss their research, develop their skills, and network.

Dates: March 13-15, 2024 (half-day on March 15)

Location: Université de Lille, Départment PsySEF, Campus “Pont de Bois,” Lille, France

Focus: Designing and Conducting Mixed-Methods Writing Research

Workshop Overview:

This mixed-methods research workshop is designed to acquaint junior researchers with the skills and knowledge needed to combine quantitative and qualitative methodologies effectively. This hands-on workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the synergy between different research paradigms, enabling them to address complex research questions effectively.

Key Features:

Expert Guidance: Learn from seasoned researchers who have successfully employed mixed-methods approaches in their work and have led many research seminars.

Interactive Sessions: Engage in discussions, group activities, and case studies that bring theory to life and foster a deeper understanding, and that foster peer learning.

Practical Skill-Building: Acquire practical skills in designing, implementing, and analyzing mixed-methods studies using the latest tools and techniques.

Ethical Considerations: Gain insights into ethical considerations unique to mixed-methods research and how to navigate them responsibly.

Who Should Attend:

All junior researchers, including M.A. and doctoral students and those starting research careers, or those for whom mixed-methods research may be new and who wish to enhance their research capabilities by integrating quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Whether in the early stages of research or fine-tuning methodology, all are welcome to apply. Enrollment is limited to 20 participants. Applicants will be asked for a short description of their research background and actual or planned project and we will use that that information to determine best fit if more than 20 people apply. The deadline for application is Nov. 15, 2023.

Language of the seminar:

The seminar will be conducted in English; however, one leader is fluent in French, another is fluent in Swedish, and the third has a basic conversational ability in French.

Certificate of Participation:

Participants will receive a certificate upon completion of the workshop, attesting to their dedication to advancing their research skills.

Cost and Registration:

Participants will need to arrange their own travel, accommodations, and meals; cost-sensitive options in Lille will be provided. The registration fee is 50 euros to attend the seminar.

To be considered for participation in the seminar, please visit and provide the necessary information. You will be contacted with a link to a registration page.


Dr. Chris Anson, North Carolina State University (US). Professor Anson is Distinguished University Professor and Alumni Association Distinguished Graduate Professor at NC State with 40 years of wide-ranging research on writing and a long history of teaching graduate research methods courses. He has participated since 2011 in the annual Dartmouth Writing Research Seminar as a co-leader and, with Professor Donahue, led a qualitative research training school for junior scholars in Frankfurt-Oder, Germany, as part of EU COST Action #15221.

Dr. Tiane Donahue, Dartmouth College (US) and Université de Lille (France). Professor Donahue is an internationally recognized scholar of writing with a background in linguistics; since 2011, she has annually led the renowned Dartmouth Writing Research Seminar, which takes place for two weeks over the summer and attracts an international group of young scholars.

Dr. Magnus Gustafsson, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden). Associate Professor Gustafsson is a writing studies researcher and a faculty developer in engineering education. His work focuses on writing-integrated curricula and methods for developing such learning environments. He is also a co-editor for the WAC Clearinghouse and the Journal of Academic Writing.

All three leaders have been named Distinguished Fellows by the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum.

Dr. Chris M. Anson
Distinguished University Professor
Executive Director, Campus Writing & Speaking Program
Box 8105, North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8105

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