CFP: 2024 Research Network Forum at CCCC

April 3, 2024

research network forum @ CCCC



The 37th Annual RNF includes:

· Work-in-Progress Presenters sharing research in 8–10-minute presentations at Thematic Roundtables

· Discussion Leaders, national senior researchers and scholars, mentoring Work-in-Progress Presenters

· Editors discussing how to get research published, and

· Networking opportunities for all who attend.

RNF is FREE for those registered for CCCC. You can appear on the RNF Program and have a speaking role at CCCC.

· If you are unable to commit to the entire day, please make sure you indicate your availability for the AM or PM session.

· RNF often meets at the same time as TYCA, ATTW, IWCA & other various CCCC workshops. Please do not double-book!

· RNF is not set up for co-presenters (trust us—it doesn’t work!). Please submit ONLY individual Work-in-Progress Presentation proposals.

· If a department is sending multiple graduate students, please send faculty Discussion Leaders to RNF who will work with people from other programs.

Proposals Accepted until November 20, 2023

Questions? rnfchairs

Risa P. Gorelick, Ph.D.
University Lecturer, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Senior Writing Coach, Defend Publish Lead, LLC
Co-Chair, Research Network Forum at CCCC

2024 RNF CFP SPOKANE 27oct2023.docx