Dear WPA-GO members,
I am sharing an opportunity to attend the International Rhetoric Workshop. For more information, kindly visit the website and look at the attached file.
The Planning Committee for the 4th Biennial International Rhetoric Workshop invites international PhD students and emerging scholars to come together and consider the myriad ways that our contemporary and established traditions of rhetorical theory, pedagogy, and criticism inform global flows of meaning-making. This year’s theme, Borders and Crossroads, prompts us to examine the notions of
1) physical, cultural, and conceptual borders that delineate territories and boundaries, marking spaces of distinction, separation, and connection; and
2) crossroads that represent intersecting paths, encounters, confluences, and opportunities to confront and transcend restrictive boundaries.
When: 18-20 June 2024 | Where: University of Dubrovnik, Croatia
Submission deadline: 18 February 2024 by 23:59 CET / 17:59 ET
Jagadish Paudel, Chair
Roland Dumavor, Vice Chair
Kathleen Lyons, Past Chair
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