Apply: Best of the Journals in RhetComp – readers needed!


We are currently looking for readers and/or reading groups for the Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition 2023 published through Parlor Press. This series is edited by Kristi Girdharry and Jessica Pauszek. If you are interested in becoming a one-time Assistant Editor for this series, please fill out this google form by January 15th, 2024. We welcome anyone interested in Rhetoric and Composition/Writing Studies to be part of this opportunity, whether you are an undergraduate, graduate, non TT, TT, independent scholar, etc. The only requirement is that everyone should have at least some experience in the field through coursework or teaching.

If you sign up as an individual reader, we will place you in a group with others across the country. Or, if you have a group of at least 5 people yourselves, then you can create your own reading group as well.

What do you do as an Assistant Editor?

You will need to read roughly 7-8 articles (exact number will be provided by Feb 5) that have been nominated by journal editors across the field, and you will deliberate with a group (either your group or the one we place you in) about your rankings before April 15, 2024.

Most groups read the articles and have a one-time meeting of 1-2 hours to deliberate and summarize their rankings and decisions. Anyone participating in the reading groups is listed as an Assistant Editor of the edition.

Why would I do this? Past participants have commented that they love the chance to network with others and discuss readings together, often learning about journals that are new to them. Some past editors have also said they were excited to have a say in what was considered “best” in the field. And others simply enjoy the chance to get a group together – your writing department, your old grad school friends, or your current students – to talk about current academic articles. You will also get to put Assistant Editor on your C.V., which may be valuable for dossiers and promotions.


  • Group placement: Jan 26, 2024

  • Article Distribution: Feb 5, 2024

  • Reading articles individually: Feb 5 – April 5, 2024

  • Virtual (or in person) meeting as a small group, usually 2 hours: around April 7-14, 2024

Feel free to email questions to us at bestofrhetcomp. Jess Pauszek and Kristi Girdharry, Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition Series Co-Editors

Kristi Girdharry, Ph.D.

Associate Teaching Professor of English
Writing Center Director
Babson College