Event: Augusta University’s Center for Writing Excellence and Department of English and World Languages Offer Free WAC Speaker Event: Dr. Jessi Grieser on Linguistic Justice

Good afternoon, colleagues,

In partnership with the Department of English and World Languages, Augusta University’s Center for Writing Excellence presents its spring WAC Speaker Series:

“Linguistic Diversity in the Classroom: Solidarity and Support,”
presented by Jessi Grieser, PhD, Associate Professor of linguistics in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Michigan

This event is FREE and open to the public.

January 31, 2024
6p-7:30p ET over Zoom
Register: https://augusta.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cSEVx5WY9q3NyK2

Presentation Abstract:
When we encounter students in our work as educators we are encountering students with a wide swath of linguistic backgrounds–different Englishes, different and many primary languages, different socializations to the role that language should play in their lives. This challenge demands a flexible approach which meets students where they are linguistically, with full thought for the ways in which ideas about language often reinforce white, colonialist ideals to the detriment of learners’ progress. In this talk, I’ll discuss some features of linguistic diversity we need to take into account as educators aiming to meet our students and writers where they are, and provide a roadmap to holistic assessment which celebrates the linguistic gifts our students bring to our classrooms while also remaining sensitive to the demands a less linguistically-aware workforce may make of them in the future.

Please email cwe with questions.


Candis E. Bond, PhD


Director, Center for Writing Excellence

Associate Professor of English

Augusta University

Vice President, Southeastern Writing Center Association

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AU CWE_EWL_WAC Speaker_S24.pdf