Job: Lanier Professorship in Writing at the University of Georgia

Dear Colleagues,

At the University of Georgia, we’re hiring a name chair in writing, the Helen S. Lanier Distinguished Professorship. Please, see the job ad attached (and below) and share it widely. Apply by Feb. 1 for full consideration.

The Department of English at the University of Georgia invites applications for the Helen S. Lanier Distinguished Professorship, to begin on August 1, 2024.

We are seeking an advanced scholar or practitioner of writing with expertise and experience in teaching in one or more of the following areas: composition and rhetoric, creative writing (fiction or nonfiction), and literary translation. We particularly welcome candidates whose work cuts across disciplines, genres, field specializations, and modalities, and whose work can expand the field of writing by establishing new directions for collaborative research, teaching, and outreach opportunities. The ideal candidate will foster an intellectual environment on campus by programming and organizing events.

Housed in the Department of English, The Lanier Professorship comes with a 2/1 teaching load as well as a support account intended to enrich the diverse campus community of scholars, artists, and thinkers.

We are interested in candidates at the level of Full Professor. Advanced Associate Professors with immediate prospects for promotion to Full Professor are also encouraged to apply. To be eligible for tenure on appointment, candidates must be appointed as full professor, have been tenured at a prior institution, and bring a demonstrably national reputation to the institution. Applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree in a related discipline.

Applications may be filed online at zawacki.


Rebecca Hallman Martini
Associate Professor of English
Director, Willis Center for Writing
University of Georgia


2024 Distinguished Professorship, Helen S. Lanier – English .pdf