Event: Join ECWCA for Article of the Month Club in January 2024


We are excited to announce that, in Winter/Spring 2024, ECWCA will again be hosting its Article of the Month Club! We are also excited to open this club to other writing center folks outside the ECWCA and NEWCA regions.

Our club is open to any writing center consultants or administrators interested in having conversations about writing center scholarship and expanding their knowledge through dialogue with other writing center folks. Newcomers and first-time participants are always welcome!

And if you are a writing center administrator, we also welcome you to share our invitation with your consultants. The more writing center voices we can add to the discussion, the richer it will be.

Each month, Article of the Month Club hosts several hour-long Zoom meetings on different days/times to discuss a new article from one of the open-source writing center journals. January’s Article of the Month Club will be the week of January 29th. Meetings will be held on:

  • Monday, January 29, at 12pm ET
  • Wednesday, January 31, at 4pm ET

Both meetings will cover the same material; multiple times are offered simply to accommodate different schedules.

Our January article comes from the journal The Peer Review: "Ado/apting the U.S. Writing Center Model in an EFL Context: A Case Study of Japan" by Cameron Sheehy of Vanderbilt University.

If you are interested in attending, simply sign up here for the day and time that works for you. Zoom links will be distributed to folks who sign up near the meeting date.

If you know any other writing center directors or administrators who might be interested for themselves or their consultants, please feel free to pass this email along! And again, please feel free to share this email with your consultants as well!

Looking forward to reading our first article of 2024!
The ECWCA Article of the Month Facilitators