CFP: CPTSC ‘26 and ’27 Conference Site Proposals

The Executive Committee of the CPTSC is pleased to announce that we are seeking sites to host our annual CPTSC conference in 2026 or 2027. As was announced at our meeting in Charleston, the Executive Committee has created a site proposal template (see attached) which we hope will make it easier for members to submit proposals.

If you would like to submit a proposal to host either the 2026 or 2027 conference at your institution, please use the attached template and submit it to me via email at tharon. The Executive Committee is attempting to stay two-years ahead of the locations for our conferences, so we will begin discussing site proposals in Sept. this year and will hopefully vote on them at our Oct. 2024 meeting in Menomonie. So, to receive full consideration, please submit your proposal before Sept. 1, 2024.

If you submit a proposal for both 2026 and 2027, please be sure to indicate which would be your first choice if your site is selected. Also, please note that we do have examples of past conference site proposals; however, because they do not use the new, streamlined template, we are only distributing them by special request. We can also put you in touch with people who have already developed successful site proposals (contact Chalice Randazzo Chalice.Randazzo or Tharon Howard tharon for more information).

Thanks to the hard work of Mitch Ogden, we already know that the 2024 conference will be held:

October 18 – 19, 2024

Menomonie, Wisconsin

At the University of Wisconsin–Stout

Please be on the lookout for the call for conference presentations at the 2024 conference soon!

The Executive Committee is also pleased to announce that, thanks to the hard work of Jason Tham, we recently voted to approve a proposal to co-locate our 2025 conference with SIGDOC at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX. More information will be distributed as it becomes available.

We’re looking forward to receiving your proposals to host the annual conference at your institution, and please don’t hesitate to contact myself or any member of the Executive Committee if you have any questions.

On behalf of the CPTSC Executive Committee,

Tharon W. Howard,
CPTSC President

CPTSC Conference Site Proposal Template.docx