Event: CWPA Summer Workshop for WPAs

We are six weeks away from the CWPA Summer Workshop on June 25-27 at the University of Central Florida.

The workshop is co-led by David Green, Howard University, and Joanne Giordano, Salt Lake Community College.

I’m happy to report that everyone who requested a letter of support to secure funds from their institution has successfully received that fund and has already registered for the workshop. If you need a similar letter, please reach out (councilofwpa) and I’ll be happy to tailor a letter for your needs.

For more details about the workshop and logistics, please visit our website: https://wpacouncil.org/aws/CWPA/pt/sp/summer-workshop

Please share with new and continuing WPAs or those serving in similar positions or doing that work without the formal title.


Lilian Mina, Ph.D.
President (2023-2024), Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA)