CFP: Teaching for Transfer Standing Group Proposals Reminder


Just a quick reminder that the proposals for the Teaching for Transfer (TFT) Standing Group are due by Friday, May 17, 2024.

Call is below!

We write to invite you to propose for inclusion on the Teaching for Transfer (TFT) Standing Group sponsored panel at CCCC 2025. (As a Standing Group, we have a sponsored panel, and thus, we wanted to extend the invitation to allow others doing TFT research the opportunity to present on it.)

We welcome any proposals that connect with research on TFT. Some possible and previous ideas for TFT research and/or connections include but are not limited to:

· TFT and first-year writing

· TFT in online contexts

· TFT and faculty development

· TFT and graduate student training

· TFT and multi-modality

· TFT and general education (courses, the teaching of, and/or faculty development)

· TFT and upper-level courses

· TFT and internships

· TFT and labor-based grading

· TFT and anti-racism

· TFT and well-being

If you are interested in proposing for the panel, please email Matthew Davis -<matthew.davis> — and Kara Taczak — ketaczak. In that email, please provide a 150-200-word paragraph that indicates your proposed contribution to the panel making sure to include the specific connection to TFT.

Please send us your paragraphs by Friday, May 17, 2024.


Kt and MD



Kara Taczak, Ph.D.
University of Central Florida
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I am possible! Audrey Hepburn