News: CPTSC Exec. Comm. Proposal for Long-Term Memberships

Dear CPTSC Members,

According to our organization’s bylaws, any changes to membership fees need to be submitted to the membership at least one month prior to our annual business meeting which is held at our conference. Consequently, I’m distributing this proposal on behalf of the Executive Committee to begin offering long-term memberships. Please review the proposal and send me or any other member of the Executive Committee your thoughts or questions. We will vote on the proposal at the annual conference meeting.

Tharon Howard,

CPTSC President

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CPTSC Executive Committee Proposal to Make to Offer Long-Term Membership Fees Starting 2025


The CPTSC Executive Committee is submitting this proposal to offer our members:

  • a 5-year membership option for $250
  • a 25-year option for $1,200.

Offering these additional membership options will respond to requests the Executive Committee has received from our members, and it will allow members to “lock in” their membership rates at the current costs regardless of future increases. We propose to begin offering these long-term memberships beginning in 2025. We are distributing this now since, according to our Bylaws, any proposed increase or changes to the membership fees needs to be brought to the membership for discussion and a vote at the annual business meeting held during the annual conference. Proposals need to be submitted one month prior to the meeting.


It has come to the attention of the Executive Committee that many of our members would like to have the opportunity to register for long-term membership in CPTSC. In some cases, members have received discretionary funding from their organizations which they must expend within a single fiscal year, and they would like to purchase a 5-year membership in our organization. Other members simply wish to eliminate the inconvenience of having to renew annually and wish to purchase a multi-year membership. The Executive Committee conducted a survey of several of our peer professional organizations and found that nearly all of them offer their members the opportunity to register for long-term or even lifetime memberships. We would like to provide our members with similar opportunities.

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CPTSC 2024 Membership Fee Proposal (Revised).docx