Event: CWPA Summer Workshop – Registration, Scholarship & Sponsorship

Good morning all,

We are so excited the Summer Workshop is back in person at the University of Central Florida. Joanne Giordano and David Green are finishing up all preparations for an exciting and incredibly informative workshop, so grab your seat now before registration closes on June 17th.

While the workshop has been traditionally designed for new colleagues taking up on writing program administration work, the recent changes in writing studies, writing program realities and challenges, cultural, social, and legislative circumstances make the workshop a site for learning how to deal with all these changes for experienced WPAs.

Workshop Scholarship

As part of our efforts to increase diversity at the summer workshop and to make it more inclusive and accessible, CWPA officers have successfully secured a scholarship that will allow one WPA from an under-represented institution to participate in the workshop in Orlando, FL. The councilofwpa, cwpasecretary, cwpatreasurer) by 5:00 EDT this Thursday June 6th.

Workshop Sponsorship Opportunities

There is still time to support CWPA by sponsoring the workshop and/or advertising your graduate program at one of our events this summer. cwpatreasurer).

Let us know if you have any questions.


Lilian Mina, Ph.D.
President (2023-2024), Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA)