Apply: IWCA Dissertation Grant Applications (Deadline: July 31, 2024)


The International Writing Centers Association (IWCA) serves to strengthen the writing center community through all of its activities. The organization offers The IWCA Dissertation Research Grant to support doctoral students as they work on writing center-related dissertations. The grant is intended to fund expenses incurred by doctoral students who are working toward completion of a dissertation and a doctoral degree. The funds may be used for living expenses; supplies, materials, and software; travel to research sites, to present research, or to attend conferences or institutes relevant to the profession; and other purposes not covered here but supportive of a dissertating graduate student. Doctoral students who have an approved prospectus and are at any stage of research/writing beyond the prospectus are encouraged to apply.

Applications are due July 31, 2024. To apply, go to the IWCA member portal.


Grant recipients will receive a $5000 check from IWCA upon selection as the award winner.


Complete application packets will contain the following items in one pdf file.

  1. Cover letter addressed to current chair, IWCA Grants Committee.The cover letter sells the IWCA Board on the mutual benefits that will result from their financial support. Anything that applicants do to link this project to their specific career goals and to the needs of the writing center community is welcome. It should include the following:
    • Request IWCA’s consideration of the application
      Introduce the applicant and the project
      Outline plans for completion of the project
    • Curriculum Vitae
    • Approved prospectus
  2. Two letters of reference: One from the dissertation director and one from a second member of the dissertation committee

For full consideration, your project MUST have all required approvals, including but not limited to institutional IRB approval.

Grant recipients will agree to the following:

  • Acknowledge IWCA support in any presentation or publication of the resulting research findings
  • Forward to IWCA, in care of the Grants Committee Chair, copies of resulting publications or presentations
  • File a progress report with the IWCA, in care of the Grants Committee Chair, due within twelve months of receipt of grant monies.
  • Upon completion of the project, submit a final project report and a PDF of the completed dissertation to the IWCA Board, in care of the Grants Committee Chair
  • Strongly consider submitting a manuscript based on the supported research to one of the IWCA affiliated publications: The Writing Center Journal or The Peer Review. Be willing to work with the editor(s) and reviewer(s) to revise the manuscript for possible publication

NOTE: The cover letter sells the IWCA Board on the mutual benefits that will result from their financial support. Anything that applicants do to link this project to their specific career goals and to the needs of the writing center community is welcome.