It is with great enthusiasm that we once again share an updated call for reviews for Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. Please note that reviews for Kairos should thoughtfully consider the relationship of form to content in both the invention and composing processes of the review. In other words, reviews should engage in a composing form that is designed for the World Wide Web. In the attached call for reviews, you’ll find information on proposing reviews, types of review genres desired, and a list of curated recently published texts that coincide with the thematic scope of the journal. We’re also interested in reviews of games, software, and tools, which you can find examples of at the link attached.
Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have. You can contact our Reviews Co-Editors directly by reaching out to Ashanka Kumari (ashankakumari) and Jonathan Marine (jonathanmmarine). We look forward to hearing from you soon!