New: Special Issue of JBTC on AI

Dear Colleagues,

Part 1 of JBTC’s special issue on AI, guest edited by Stephen Carradini, is now available online. The TOC is below. Best, Jo

Journal of Business and Technical Communication- Volume: 38, Number: 3 (July 2024)

Special issue: Effects of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Technical Communication Pedagogy, Practice, and Research, Part 1


On the Current Moment in AI: Introduction to Special Issue on Effects of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Technical Communication Pedagogy, Practice, and Research, Part 1

Stephen Carradini


Can Artificial Intelligence Robots Write Effective Instructions?

Johndan Johnson-Eilola, Stuart A. Selber, and Eric J. York

Exploring Artificial Intelligence Tool Use in a Nonprofit Workplace

Andrew Hillen

Using Generative AI to Facilitate Data Analysis and Visualization: A Case Study of Olympic Athletes

Emily Barrow DeJeu

Automating Research in Business and Technical Communication: Large Language Models as Qualitative Coders

Ryan M. Omizo

Comparing Student and Writing Instructor Perceptions of Academic Dishonesty When Collaborators Are Artificial Intelligence or Human

John R. Gallagher and Kyle Wagner

Preparing Future Technical Editors for an Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Workplace

Jennifer C. Mallette

Content Analysis, Construct Validity, and Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Technical and Professional Communication and Graduate Research Preparation

Stuart Deets, Caitlin Baulch, Alison Obright, and Dan Card

Jo Mackiewicz (“mack-uh-which” or “mack-uh-wits”)

Associate Chair for Faculty Development, English Department

Professor, Rhetoric and Professional Communication

Editor, Journal of Business and Technical Communication

Iowa State University, 413 Ross Hall, Ames, IA 50011-1201


Latest book: Welding Technical Communication: Teaching and Learning Embodied Knowledge