CFP: Xchanges Special Issue on Graduate Teaching

Hello friends,As we begin summer and the June 30th deadline approaches, I wanted to remind everyone of Xchanges call for submissions for a special issue on Graduate Teaching. Please pass this publishing opportunity along to the graduate student instructors you know!

Graduate Teaching Symposium

Xchanges, an interdisciplinary Technical Communication, Writing/Rhetoric, and Writing Across the Curriculum journal, is pleased to announce a new call for proposals for our Fall issue: Graduate Teaching Symposium.

For this special issue, we invite submissions from Graduate Student Instructors/Teaching Assistants who are teaching or who have recently taught a composition, writing studies, or technical communication course to continue to examine the important issues that mediate graduate student teaching and survey the current state of graduate teaching. We invite proposals around issues related to labor, gender, and race, administrative duties and possibilities, activism, accessibility, and more. We also invite discussions of pedagogical strategies, classroom activities with rationales, and interrogation of teaching theories.

Graduate Student Instructors can submit 300-word abstracts for review to xchangesjournal by June 30, 2024! Please see the attached PDF for more information.

Jennifer Burke Reifman, Ph.D. [she | her]
School of Education, WRaCs

Graduate Assistant to the Director of ELW
Lead Graduate Researcher, StARs/Curious Aggies
Associate Instructor, University Writing Program

U.C. Davis, 1 Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616

Xchanges.Issue 19.1 CFP.docx.pdf