Survey: Role of Academic Staff in NECHE Accreditation Survey

Hi everyone,

I’m forwarding this survey opportunity (below). If you are a New England-based academic staff member, we want to hear from you! The survey will close on 10/27. Thanks in advance!

Kelsey Diemand

Wentworth Institute of Technology

Hello, my name is Kari Mofford.

I am a librarian at the University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth. I, along with three other librarians at colleges and universities in New England, are conducting a research study by surveying academic support staff and professionals working at institutions of higher education throughout New England. The purpose of this study is to learn more about academic staff involvement within their own institution’s NECHE accreditation process and to gather your feedback and experiences with the NECHE Standards for Accreditation and its impact on your work. Our findings will be presented at the 2023 NECHE Annual Conference.

If you are “academic support staff” and directly involved in academic programs or curriculum support, including, but not limited to deans, directors, managers, librarians, academic advisors, instructional designers, library staff, math/reading/writing staff, tutors, etc., we invite you to participate in this survey. If you decide to participate, we ask that you complete an online survey that takes about 5 to 15 minutes to complete. At the end of the survey, participants will also be given the opportunity to volunteer for a focus group, which will be scheduled at a future date.

Should you decide to participate, you will be asked to acknowledge your consent to participate at the beginning of the survey in order to continue.

CLICK to begin the Role of Academic Staff in NECHE Accreditation Survey

For study related questions, please contact the investigators: Kari Mofford (kmofford), Jaime Hammond (jhammond), Mark Shelton (mshelton), or Kelsey Diemand (diemandk)

This study has been approved by the IRB at the University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth (IRB #: 23.061). Participants with questions, concerns, or complaints about this research should contact Stephanie Pena, Director of Institutional Compliance & Ethics, via email at spena4.

Thank you,

Kari Mofford, Librarian/Information Services, University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth

Jaime Hammond, Director of Library Services, Naugatuck Valley Community College

Mark Shelton, Director of Library Services, College of the Holy Cross

Kelsey Diemand, Associate Director for Research & Collections, Wentworth Institute of Technology