Job: Two TT Assistant/Advanced Assistant in R/C or Tech/Prof Writing @ North Dakota State University

Dear colleagues, I am pleased to announce that North Dakota State University is hiring two tenure-track assistant/advanced assistant professors in rhetoric/composition or technical/professional writing. Screening begins Nov. 30, 2023. Brief description below; full job posting is here:

Description & Details:

Two Assistant or Advanced Assistant Professors, Rhetoric and Writing

The English Department at North Dakota State University seeks two full-time, tenure-track Assistant or Advanced Assistant Professors in Rhetoric and Writing, or related field, for employment beginning August 16, 2024.

North Dakota State University’s English Department is committed to equity and diversity and actively seeks those scholars whose teaching, research, and/or diverse life experience will help us extend these core values. We seek diverse and innovative thinkers and recognize a wide range of scholarly activities in our tenure and promotion process. The department boasts a well established, genre-based vertical writing program (First-Year and Upper-Division Writing), a Writing Studies minor, a Professional Writing certificate, as well as master’s and doctoral programs.

We are especially interested in candidates who are well prepared to serve as writing program administrators for the First-Year or Upper-Division Writing Program and teach the associated practicum course (FYW – Teaching Workshop for Writing Instructors and/or UDW – Pedagogy, Practice, and Technology). Teaching duties include a 2/2 load, with reductions for program administration. Courses will include undergraduate and graduate rhetoric and writing classes, including core graduate courses such as Composition Theory and Composition Research. The candidates will expand an existing scholarly agenda through presentation and publication. The successful candidates will advise MA and PhD students and serve on thesis and dissertation committees.

Advertised Salary:


Minimum Qualifications:

  • PhD in Rhetoric and Writing, Professional and Technical Communication, or a related field, by August 15, 2024
  • College teaching experience
  • Existing scholarly record and/or clear scholarly trajectory in Rhetoric and Writing Studies, broadly defined
  • Coursework, research, and/or professional experience that prepares the candidate to succeed as a writing program administrator
  • Effective oral and written communication skills
  • A demonstrable commitment to promoting and enhancing diversity through research, teaching, outreach, and/or lived experience

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Research and/or teaching that foregrounds social justice issues
  • Demonstrated experience in writing program administration
  • Demonstrated excellence teaching first-year writing, professional/technical writing, and/or writing in the disciplines courses
  • Research record or substantial professional experience in one or more of the following: writing program administration; professional and technical writing/rhetoric; WAC/WID; linguistics and/or second-language writing; digital rhetorics/literacies; AI and writing; online writing pedagogy; UX/user experience

I am the search committee chair and happy to answer any questions: lisa.r.arnold


Dr. Lisa R. Arnold (she/her)

Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Writing

Director, First-Year Writing Program

NSF ADVANCE Faculty Fellow

Office: Zoom and Minard 318E32 (by appointment)

Department of English, NDSU

We collectively acknowledge that we gather at NDSU, a land grant institution, on the traditional lands of the Oceti Sakowin (Dakota, Lakota, Nakoda) and Anishinaabe Peoples in addition to many diverse Indigenous Peoples still connected to these lands. We honor with gratitude Mother Earth and the Indigenous Peoples who have walked with her throughout generations. We will continue to learn how to live in unity with Mother Earth and build strong, mutually beneficial, trusting relationships with Indigenous Peoples of our region.